Courtesy Call on Prime Minister SUGA Yoshihide by H.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak, Acting President and Minister in Assistance to the President and Environment, the Republic of the Marshall Islands


Courtesy Call on Prime Minister SUGA Yoshihide by H.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak, Acting President and Minister in Assistance to the President and Environment, the Republic of the Marshall Islands

 On June 30, commencing at 13:40 p.m. in Majuro time for approximately 15 minutes, Mr. SUGA Yoshihide, Prime Minister of Japan, received a courtesy call from H.E. Mr. Christopher J. Loeak, Acting President and Minister in Assistance to the President and Environment of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, in a video teleconference format. For more information, please visit the following website. (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan)